Monday, December 31, 2007

Fatty McEve (Terry)

So it is the Eve for our family weight loss challenge. Woke up this morning, had ice cream for breakfast, am going to have an entire frozen pizza for lunch, and probably inhale as much candy as possible while at work. The fact there will be less of me makes me sad. So enjoy your last moments; eat, drink, and be large for one more day.

So the rules again are mail me your $25 entry fee and your January 1st weight. So far we have Ian, Kristy, Peggy, John, Matt, Darci, Brent (Darci's brother for those who don't know), Vicki Keagle, Elaine, Katie, and Jeremy as definates so far. Still waiting on a few more. The more the merrier. Happy New Year to all.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

It Begins

Christmas 2007 and the Evans' just finished our holiday fun. Jack, Evan, and Noah all had Christmas day anarchy. So, after gorging ourselves with chicken and noodles, mashed potatoes, cookies, chips, and peppermint stick ice cream, we decided the Fatty McEvans' are going on a diet.

The Challege: Starting January 1st, 2008 we are all going on a diet. Everyone who wants to participate will throw in $25 bucks. We will all weigh ourselves Jan 1st and again on May 1st. Whoever loses the largest percent of weight takes home all the cash.

The Rules: We will play on the honor system. You will weigh yourself on whatever scale you choose, but you must use the same scale throughout. You will mail me your entry fee of $25.00 and your weight. Your weight will go unpublished! From Jan 1st to May 1st you may use whatever diet plan you wish with the exception of amputation and medically induced comas. Knowing the Evans family, we will all play dirty. Katie plans on sending Vicki a Pizza Hut pizza every Friday night. The point is to lose
weight and win cash. It is that simple.

Six week Prize: At the six week mark, the player with the overall % lost at that point, will win 10% of the total entry fees.

The Players: So far playing are Me, Darci, Katie, Jeremy, Matt, John, Peggy, and Vicki. If you got an email, found this blog, and are part of the Fatty McEvans family, you are eligible to play. Send me an email or just mail me the entry fee and your weight to enter.

The Blog: This will be used as a forum for our family to ridicule, jeopardize, shame, belittle, insult, and sabotage each other............or as a forum to support, encourage, and help each other out. However you see fit.

So get your fat ass up off that computer chair, throw the potato chips out of the house, put on your walking shoes, and enjoy the hell we are about to endure, all for the name of good health.