Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Nibs be damned (Terry)

Despite the Nibs I had a decent week. Still at 237 pounds, so no weightloss this week (no weight gain either) and a total loss of 19 pounds overall. I can't quite get to that 20 pound mark I have been striving for. I will get it this week though, Lost is getting good. I wanted to do a double workout yesterday cause I had to see what happened next. Later all.

PS - Thanks to Ian for watching Noah, hope he wasn't a crank.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

I'm out (Terry)

I pulled a Darci. Working at Katie's, grabbed a 100 calorie pack of food w/o thinking. The double wammy, COOKIE Bites CANDY. So I am out already, not sure if that counted against me so I had Nibs to complete the crime. Kudos to Darci for resisting the temptation of the evil, evil Nibs.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Another Video Message (Terry)

PS - Ian, the only exception on the side bet is Easter. Easter is a free day, otherwise the rules stand. MOM - Noah has demanded your participation in the side bet (and the challenge overall seeing how you haven't done much). You are in Mom and get started. What about you Katie, you in?

Sunday, March 16, 2008

I'm In (Ian)

I am in on the side bet. Darci, it sounds like its going to be you againts me here. I have no problem doing a double or nothing bet here. Since we are going to be the only ones in on it, I am up for the few exceptions but not more than 5 exceptions. What do you think? If you want none, then that works for me.

Side Bet (darci)

Ok, since I ate Noah's weight in chocolate today I am more motivated than ever to kick off this side bet. How about we start on Monday. Who's in? Katie, Ian, Peggy? Anyone? We've got 1 1/2 months to finish this weight loss challenge off! Can you believe that??

Thursday, March 13, 2008

A funny thing happened (Eva)

I forgot to post this, but at my last ob appointment, the doctor asked me if I was bulimic. BWAH!!! This is probably the first anyone in this family was asked this question. I had lost another 3 pounds. Then she asked if I was exercising too much. She's such an serious young doctor, it's so hard not to laugh at her.

Let's Roll (Ian)

Terry, thanks for the video. It's a formidable scent. It stings the nostrils. I'm gonna be honest with you, Terry, that smells like pure gasoline. (Another movie quote) Oh wait, that was me. Thats the smell of a champion. Well, not really a world champion and not quite an intramural league champion. I dont really know what it is, but I bet it comes in the form of cash, check, or money order, so I like it.

On to the side bet, I am in. I do like the holiday exception. Does St. Patrick's Day count? Does a drunk fest at a Billy Joel concert count? I personally think those are exemptions, but thats just me. Lets bring on the maddness.


The Side Bet is ON!! (Darci)

So I went back and dug out the rules Terry had generated A LONG time ago. How do these look??
I am in. Ian I still owe you 10.00 from last time--or do you want to go double or nothing? I have hit the warped wall (Ninja Warrior reference there). I have slammed against it and am back sliding... I thought going back to work was going to help not hurt my cause. Unfortunately, no group of people knows how to snack themselves stupid like nurses.....except law enforcement. Oh wait.....

1. No fast food; i.e. anyplace that serves food on a tray (McDs, Taco Hell, mall food, etc). Acceptable places are Subway, Applebee's, Olive Garden, etc but only if out with friends/family or business related meal.
2. No candy bars or sweets; i.e. no milky ways at the Wal-Mart check out isle (my guilty vice), no snack when getting gas, no CANDY!!!
3. No baked goods; i.e. cake, cookies, doughnuts, muffins, etc.
4. No frozen pizza, ice cream, ; self explanitory.
5. A workout or any form of exercise at least 3 times a week; i.e. at the gym, on a home bike, tredmill, or elliptical, a brisk walk at the mall (random shopping doesn't count, must be at least constant walking)Anyone who wants in puts up $10, we will be on the honor system, and post if you are in or out.

However, in my opinion we should get a pass on Easter Sunday. Holidays shouldn't count. Any other opinions?

A video message (Terry)

I wish we had smell-o-vision.

Kudos Ian (Terry)

Good for you Ian, the game is afoot than. I look forward to an actual competition. By the`way I was at that Cub/Brewer game. After that game I hadn't wanted to kill someone so bad since they canceled Family Matters.

PS - I couldn't figure out the movie qoute, but I will. And I don't normally do this, but I felt compelled to tell you something. You have an absolutely breath-taking... heiney. I mean, that thing's good. I wanna be friends with it.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Not So Fast Terry (Ian)

Terry, Terry, Terry. You should know better by now. Last summer. Late June . A 10 game lead in the Central. Aramis Ramirez 9th inning home run to beat the Brewers in Wrigley. I think you were at that game, I am not sure, but I am sure you know the outcome of the NL Central race. (Just for clarification, the Cubs won the Central over the Brewers)

Its a metaphor for this challenge my friend. Terry jumps out to the big lead to start the game but here comes the competition (Ian). Terry may have lost 18 pounds, but Ian is closing in at a loss of 15 pounds. Recently I took up this new fad called jogging, or it may be pronounced yogging with a soft "j". (You get points if you can name the movie that came from) I finally found the gym and those things you lift that have various weights and the thing you stand on and it moves. So let the fun begin.

As for the rest of the competition, John has been silent, so his asshole must have wont that battle and that probably explains Peg's silence. Eva has an excuse but Matt sure doesnt. He's the silent darkhorse that will post a picture in late April with his head on some celebrities body claiming he has won and since he is a laywer he will argue his was to the title. There hasnt been much talk from Darci or Katie about a side bet, so who knows their status. Ian is up for a side bet, so Darci, kets get one started again.

Isnt there a mid point challange coming up???


Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Winner, winner, chicken dinner (Terry)

So, despite vacation food, Evan's birtday cake, cookies, and Loa's rice crispy treats I am down to 238 pounds. That is a loss of 18 pounds since we began the family (or Terry all by himself) weightloss challenge. I think I will buy mid riff jeans and cut off t-shirts with my winnings, I am that sexy.

Here are a few pictures from our trip to spring training. The first is Noah with the world famous Klements racing hotdog (a thrill for me). The second is Noah getting his first baseball from the Brewer's Derrick Turnbow (a thrill for Darci). Later losers, or should I say gainers?

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

We're Back (Terry)

A quick note to say we are back from Spring Training. Noah did great, was awesome in Arizona. We met a ball player, Derrick Turbow, who personally gave Noah his first baseball. We got some great video and will post it on youtube soon. On the weightloss front we did pretty well. I gained 4 pounds, Darci 3. Not too shabby, only had fastfood once (in the airport on the way home). All in all we had lots of fun, enjoyed the sun, and did not eat ourselves stupid for a change.

PS - it snowed as we drove home from the airport, that pissed me off. 78 & sunny for a week and we come home to snow.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Evan (Katie)

Hey All - Nothing about weight loss. I wish I had something exciting to report but that's a negative. But I did want to share that Evan's favorite game to play is catch with his Momma. Or, momma, momma, momma as he likes to say three times in a row. (Although I have to admit that I don't think he's really associating those words to me as much as he just likes to make those sounds.)

Anyway, the best part is, I roll the ball to him, he picks it up with his right hand, transfers it to his LEFT hand and throws it to me. And then I yell, YEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHH! And then he signs MORE, MORE, MORE. And we repeate this.

Did you read that Terry - LEFT HAND!

So that is about the most exciting news I've had in months.
