Friday, January 18, 2008

Must be wrong

Trixie -

Thanks for the info on my dad. I can just picture it! So funny! I can also remember so many nights of my childhood being summond to go over to Teresa's house and "bring me some supper." Can you imagine? Walking through back yards, entering someone's house, going to their fridge and taking their food home to my father. I think he could smell it if you made chicken.

Anyway, I must tell you the scale at my house HAS to be wrong. I feel like a cow. My jeans that were nice and loose when I was losing weight in October now don't fit well, but my scale has me down 2 lbs. And this is being weighed after I ate today. And I've done nothing about this weightloss for at least a week. So I'd like to feel good about myself today but this simply cannot be true.

Please, someone motivate me. I just feel yucky and I know I can do it.


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